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Black opaque cup sequin 3mm

Black opaque cup sequin 3mm
One strand with around 1000 sequins.


Reviews Quantity:

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2 x Ice bright metal flat sequin 4mm
1 x Vivid pink transparent lustered cup sequin 4mm
1 x 0166 12/0 3-cut bead gold
2 x 
2 x 
1 x Small wooden spool
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1 x Chenille needle n°24
1 x 
1 x 
1 x Smoked grey opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x 0161 12/0 3-cut bead transparent with yellow core
3 x Old pink opaque cup sequin 4mm
1 x 0221 Half hank gunmetal 15/0 Charlotte bead
1 x Gold flat sequin 4mm
1 x 0296 Bugle #2 Gunmetal metallic
1 x Silver plated tube beads 2mm 3x1.5mm
1 x Cream opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Lilac metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Black bright opaque flat sequin 3mm
1 x Black opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Sterling silver plated round beads 2.5mm
3 x Dark pink satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x 0285 Bugle #3 black opaque
1 x Slate transparent lustered cup sequin 4mm
1 x Wisteria opaque flat sequin 4mm
2 x Violet transparent lustered flat sequin 3mm
2 x 0148 12/0 3-cut bead yellow opaque
1 x 0260 Half hank 13/0 sead bead matte silver
1 x Violet metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x Imitation japanese thread 0,15mm champagne #5
1 x Opaque bright blue cup sequin 4mm
1 x Tambour Hook n°120
1 x Turquoise lustered transparent flat sequin 4mm
1 x (Loose) Blue grey zebra satinated square cup sequin 5mm
1 x 0294 Bugle #2 smoke grey transparent matt
1 x 0302 Bugle #2 dark red transparent iris
3 x 0329 12/0 3-cut bead light aqua transparent iris matt
1 x 
1 x P52. Silver plated wire check purl 0.8 mm (1.75 meters)
1 x Lavande 7mm, 2.5 meters spool
1 x (Loose) Turquoise zebra satinated square flat sequin 5mm
1 x P13. Gilt smooth purl 1mm (1 meter)
1 x PR17. Round bead copper 2mm
1 x PR40. Round bead antique gold 2mm
1 x Preciosa Sequins Crystal 6mm (x6)
2 x P41. Gilt bright check purl 0.6 mm (1 meter)
1 x PR31. Round bead shiny peach 3mm
1 x Preciosa SequinsJet 8mm (x6)
1 x PR37. Round bead shiny salmon 2mm
1 x Vivid pink metal satinated flat sequin 3mm
1 x 0015 12/0 3-cut bead black
1 x 
1 x Sea blue metal cup sequin 4mm
2 x Pearl flat sequin 4mm
1 x A129. Grey blue bright purl mate (5 meters)
2 x A123. Navy blue smooth purl (5 meters)
1 x Silver plated tube beads 6.5x1.5mm
2 x Burgundy transparent iridescent flat sequin 4mm
1 x A128. Vivid pink bright purl mate (5 meters)
1 x PR42. Round bead mint green 2mm
1 x C01. Jonquille sew-on crystal 6.5mm
1 x A15. Silver color smooth purl (5 meters)
1 x 0291 Bugle #2 black opaque
2 x 0301 Bugle #2 dark red transparent matt
1 x Swarovski Sequins Crystal AB 7mm (x6) 14S7
1 x A133. Red color pearl purl
1 x Tambour Hook n°90
1 x A19.violet smooth purl (5 meters)
1 x PR11. Round bead dark coral 2mm
1 x Silver plated heishi 5x0.3mm
1 x Red transparent iridescent paillette 3mm
1 x 0292 Bugle #2 colbalt transparent matt
2 x 0255 Half hank 15/0 sead bead opaque black
2 x 0042 12/0 3-cut bead white
1 x Vivid rosebright opaque flat sequin 4mm
1 x Sterling silver plated twisted beads 6x1.5mm
1 x 0268 Bugle #2 gold (loose)
1 x Black opaque cup sequin 3mm
1 x Pearl cup sequin 4mm
1 x 0185 12/0 3-cut bead dark red opaque
1 x Vivid pink metal satinated cup sequin 4mm
1 x 0270 Half hank bugle #3 rose gold
1 x Red transparent irisdescent flat sequin 4mm
1 x 0216 13/0 Charlotte bead metallic violet
1 x White opaque pearled flat sequin 4mm
1 x (Loose) Marbled satinated square cup sequin 5mm
1 x Swarovski Sequins Crystal 7mm (x6) 15S7
1 x Silver setting (only with SS30 stones)
3 x Pink metallic satinated flat sequin 4mm
2 x 0311 Half hank 11/0 sead bead beige transparent blue lined iris
1 x Silver satinated cup sequin 4mm
2 x (Loose) Shaped black qatinated square cup sequin 5mm
1 x PF10. Iridescent amethyst crystal flower beads 5mm
1 x PR101. Fire polished bead copper plated 2mm
1 x (Loose) Shaped black square cup sequin 5mm
1 x 0238 Bugle #5 opaque black (loose)
1 x 0300 Bugle #2 turquoise opaque
1 x Purple metal cup sequin 4mm
1 x Swarovski Sequins Jet 3mm (x18) 1S3
1 x 0324 14/0 sead bead slate blue opaque
1 x Dark blue metal flat sequin 4mm
1 x 0125 Sead bead crystal with blue and red stripes
1 x Iridescent transparent flat sequin 4mm
1 x 0189 12/0 3-cut bead crystal light yellow core
1 x Silver plated lizardine 1.1mm
1 x Imitation japanese thread 0,15mm lilac #5
1 x Transparent iridescent light green cup sequin 4mm
1 x 0269 Half hank bugle #2 smoke grey transparent silver lined
1 x Silver satinated flat sequin 3mm
1 x 0314 Half hank 11/0 sead bead sapphire transparent matt
1 x Gilt tube beads 3x1.5mm
1 x 0164 Iridescent purple microtube
1 x 0267 Half Hank bugle #2 silver
1 x 0241 Bugle crystal AB 15mm (loose)
1 x Gold satinated flat sequin 3mm
1 x Satiné tambour handle for a hook size 100 to 120
1 x P08. Silver plated smooth purl 1mm (2.5 meters)
1 x (Loose) Shaped white square cup sequin 5mm

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